metaphone CALCULATE the metaphone key of a STRING.
This function is similar to soundex and creates the same key for similar sounding words, but more accurate than this because it is based on the basic rules of English pronunciation.
Metaphone was developed by Lawrence Philips.
It is described in ["Practical Algorithms for Programmers", Binstock & Rex, Addison Wesley, 1995].
str metaphone ( str $str )
$str = The STRING to calcule the metaphone
The STRING to get the metaphone.
$arrstr01 = [ 'widow', 'window'];
foreach($arrstr01 as $str01 => $s01)
echo '[ ' . $str01 . ' ] ' .
$s01 . ' => ' . metaphone($s01) . '<br>';
[ 0 ] widow => WT
[ 1 ] window => WNT
$arrstr02 = [ 'Doc', 'Grumpy', 'Happy',
'Sleepy', 'Bashful', 'Sneezy', 'Dopey' ];
foreach($arrstr02 as $str02 => $s02)
echo '[ ' . $str02 . ' ] ' .
$s02 . ' => ' . metaphone($s02) . '<br>';
[ 0 ] Doc => TK
[ 1 ] Grumpy => KRMP
[ 2 ] Happy => HP
[ 3 ] Sleepy => SLP
[ 4 ] Bashful => BXFL
[ 5 ] Sneezy => SNS
[ 6 ] Dopey => TP
$arrstr03 = [ 'Soneca', 'Dengoso', 'Feliz',
'Atchim', 'Mestre', 'Zangado', 'Dunga' ];
foreach($arrstr03 as $str03 => $s03)
echo '[ ' . $str03 . ' ] ' .
$s03 . ' => ' . metaphone($s03) . '<br>';
[ 0 ] Soneca => SNK
[ 1 ] Dengoso => TNKS
[ 2 ] Feliz => FLS
[ 3 ] Atchim => AXM
[ 4 ] Mestre => MSTR
[ 5 ] Zangado => SNKT
[ 6 ] Dunga => TNK
echo '<br><br>';
echo '<br><br>';
try {
var_dump(metaphone("valid phrase", -1));
echo '<br><br>';
} catch (ValueError $e) {
echo $e->getMessage(), "<br>";
var_dump(metaphone("valid phrase", 0));
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump(metaphone("valid phrase", 10000));
$array = array(
"They fell forward, grovelling heedlessly
on the cold earth.",
"But the shadow of horror wheeled and returned,
passing lower now, right above them, sweeping
the fen-reek with its ghastly wings.",
"And then it was gone, flying back to Mordor
with the speed of the wrath of Sauron; and behind
it the wind roared away, leaving the Dead Marshes
bare and bleak.",
"The naked waste, as far as the eye could pierce,
even to the distant menace of the mountains,
was dappled with the fitful moonlight."
foreach($array as $k => $v) {
echo "[ $k ] $v => " . metaphone($v) . "<br><br>";