FIND the position of the LAST occurrence of a case-insensitive substring in a STRING.
This function is case-insensitive
If $needle is not a STRING, it is converted to an INTEGER and applied as the ordinal value of a character.
This behavior is deprecated as of PHP 7.3.0, and relying on it is highly discouraged.
Depending on the intended behavior, the $needle should either be explicitly cast to STRING, or an explicit call to the function chr should be performed.
This function returns the portion of STRING, or FALSE if $needle is not found.
If $offset < 0 the search is made from right to left skipping the last $offset bytes of the $haystack and searching the first occurrence of $needle.
If $offset > 0 or $offset = 0 the search is made from left to right skipping the first $offset bytes of the $haystack.
Remember that STRING positions start at 0, and not 1.
This function may return FALSE, but may also return a non-Boolean value which evaluates to FALSE.
Use the === operator for testing the return value of this function.
int strripos ( str $haystack , mix $needle [, int $offset = 0 ] )
$haystack = The input STRING to search in
$needle = The needle to be found
$offset = The position where the search will start
The STRING to search in.
The parameter to be found.
The position where the search begin.
$str_hp = 'Estou procurando uma agulha
em um palheiro! (UM TRABALHO DIFÍCIL)';
$str_np = 'um';
$int_ap = strripos($str_hp, $str_np);
echo 'A ÚLTIMA ocorrência de [' . $str_np . ']
<br><br> em, "' . $str_hp . '"
<br><br> é verificada na posição [' . $int_ap . ']';
echo '<br><br><br><br>';
$str_he = "I'm looking for a needle
in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)";
$str_ne = 'a';
$int_ae = strripos($str_he, $str_ne);
echo 'The LAST occurrence of [' . $str_ne . ']
<br><br> in, "' . $str_he . '"
<br><br> is found at position [' . $int_ae . ']';
A ÚLTIMA ocorrência de um
em, "Estou procurando uma agulha em um palheiro! (UM TRABALHO DIFÍCIL)"
é verificada na posição 47
The LAST occurrence of a
in, "I'm looking for a needle in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)"
is found at position 46
$str_hpx2 = "I'm looking for a needle
in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)";
$str_hpy2 = "I'm looking for a needle
in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)";
$str_hp2 = "I'm looking for a needle
in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)";
$str_np2 = 'a';
$off_p2 = 18;
$off_o2 = 0;
$int_ap21 = strripos($str_hpx2, $str_np2, $off_o2);
$int_ap22 = strripos($str_hpx2, $str_np2, $off_p2);
echo $str_hpx2;
echo '<br><br><br>The LAST occurrence of ' . $str_np2
. ', is found at position ' . $int_ap21 . ',
in relation to the position '
. $off_o2 . '<br><br>' . $str_hpy2 . '<br><br>';
echo '<br><br><br>The LAST occurrence of ' . $str_np2
. ', is found at position ' . $int_ap22 . ', after the position '
. $off_p2 . '<br><br>' . $str_hp2;
I'm looking for a needle in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)
The LAST occurrence of a, is found at position 46, in relation to the position 0
I'm looking for a needle in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)
The LAST occurrence of a, is found at position 46, after the position 18
I'm looking for a needle in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)
$str_hpx3 = "I'm looking for a needle
in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)";
$str_hpy3 = "I'm looking for a needle
in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)";
$str_hp3 = "I'm looking for a needle
in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)";
$str_np3 = 'A';
$off_p3 = 18;
$off_o3 = 0;
$int_ap31 = strripos($str_hpx3, $str_np3, $off_o3);
$int_ap32 = strripos($str_hpx3, $str_np3, $off_p3);
echo $str_hpx3;
echo '<br><br><br>The LAST occurrence of ' . $str_np3
. ', is found at position ' . $int_ap31 . ',
in relation to the position '
. $off_o3 . '<br><br>' . $str_hpy3 . '<br><br>';
echo '<br><br><br>The LAST occurrence of ' . $str_np3
. ', is found at position ' . $int_ap32 . ',
after the position '
. $off_p3 . '<br><br>' . $str_hp3;
I'm looking for a needle in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)
The LAST occurrence of A, is found at position 46, in relation to the position 0
I'm looking for a needle in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)
The LAST occurrence of A, is found at position 46, after the position 18
I'm looking for a needle in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)
$str_hpx4 = "I'm looking for a needle
in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)";
$str_np4 = 'haystack';
$off_p4 = -1;
$int_ap42 = strripos($str_hpx4, $str_np4, $off_p4);
echo $str_hpx4;
if($int_ap42 == true)
echo '<br><br><br>The LAST occurrence of ' . $str_np4
. ', is found at ' . $int_ap42 . ',
in relation to the position '
. $off_p4 . '<br><br>' . $str_hpx4 . '<br><br>';
echo '<br><br>' . $str_np4 .
' is not present in ' . $str_hpx4 . '<br>';
$str_hpx5 = "I'm looking for a needle
in a haystack! (A HARD WORK)";
$str_np5 = 'HAYSTACK';
$off_p5 = -1;
$int_ap52 = strripos($str_hpx5, $str_np5, $off_p5);
echo $str_hpx5;
if($int_ap52 == true)
echo '<br><br><br>The LAST occurrence of ' . $str_np5
. ', is found at ' . $int_ap52 . ', i
n relation to the position '
. $off_p5 . '<br><br>' . $str_hpx5 . '<br><br>';
echo '<br><br>' . $str_np5 .
' is not present in ' . $str_hpx5 . '<br>';
$str_hpx6 = 'M3&]R96T@27!S=6T@:7,@<VEM<&QY(&$@=
$str_np6 = '7,@';
$off_p6 = 0;
$int_ap62 = strripos($str_hpx6, $str_np6, $off_p6);
echo $str_hpx6;
if($int_ap62 == true)
echo '<br><br><br>The LAST occurrence of ' . $str_np6
. ', is found at ' . $int_ap62 . ',
in relation to the position '
. $off_p6 . '<br><br>' . $str_hpx6 . '<br><br>';
echo '<br><br>' . $str_np6 .
' is not present in ' . $str_hpx6 . '<br>';
var_dump(strripos("test test string", "test"));
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump(strripos("test string sTring", "string"));
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump(strripos("test strip string strand", "str"));
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump(strripos("I am what I am and that's all what I am",
"am", -3));
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump(strripos("test string", "g"));
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump(strripos("te".chr(0)."st", chr(0)));
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump(strripos("tEst", "test"));
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump(strripos("teSt", "test"));
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump(strripos("foo", "f", 1));
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump(strripos("", ""));
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump(strripos("a", ""));
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump(strripos("", "a"));
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump(strripos("\\\\a", "\\a"));
echo "Testing strripos() function: basic functionality.<br>";
$heredoc_str = <<<EOD
Hello, World
echo "<br><br>regular string for haystack & needle:<br>";
var_dump( strripos("Hello, World", "HeLLo") );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos('Hello, World', "hello") );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos("Hello, World", 'WoRLd') );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos('Hello, World', 'WORLD') );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos('Hello, World', 'foo') );
echo "<br><br><br>single char for needle:<br>";
var_dump( strripos("Hello, World", "O") );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos("Hello, World", ",") );
echo "<br><br><br>heredoc string for haystack & needle:<br>";
var_dump( strripos($heredoc_str, "Hello, WoRLd") );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($heredoc_str, 'HelLO') );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($heredoc_str, $heredoc_str) );
echo "Testing strripos() function: basic functionality.<br>";
$heredoc_str = <<<EOD
Hello, World
echo "<br><br>regular string for haystack & needle,
<br>with various offsets:<br>";
var_dump( strripos("Hello, World", "HeLLo", 0) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos("Hello, World", 'Hello', 1) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos('Hello, World', 'world', 1) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos('Hello, World', "WorLD", 5) );
echo "<br><br><br>heredoc string for haystack & needle,
<br>with various offsets:<br>";
var_dump( strripos($heredoc_str, "Hello, WORLD", 0) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($heredoc_str, 'HelLo', 0) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($heredoc_str, 'HeLLo', 1) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($heredoc_str, $heredoc_str, 0) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($heredoc_str, $heredoc_str, 1) );
echo "<br><br><br>various +ve offsets:<br>";
var_dump( strripos("Hello, World", "O", 3) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos("Hello, World", "O", 6) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos("Hello, World", "O", 10) );
echo "<br><br><br>various -ve offsets:<br>";
var_dump( strripos("Hello, World", "O", -1) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos("Hello, World", "O", -5) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos("Hello, World", "O", -9) );
try {
var_dump(strripos("t", "t", PHP_INT_MAX+1));
} catch (TypeError $e) {
echo $e->getMessage(), "<br><br>";
try {
strripos(1024, 1024, -PHP_INT_MAX);
} catch (ValueError $exception) {
echo $exception->getMessage() . "<br><br>";
try {
strripos(1024, "te", -PHP_INT_MAX);
} catch (ValueError $exception) {
echo $exception->getMessage() . "<br><br>";
try {
strripos(1024, 1024, -PHP_INT_MAX-1);
} catch (ValueError $exception) {
echo $exception->getMessage() . "<br><br>";
try {
strripos(1024, "te", -PHP_INT_MAX-1);
} catch (ValueError $exception) {
echo $exception->getMessage() . "<br>";
/* Test strripos() function by passing
* double quoted strings for 'haystack'
* & 'needle' arguments */
echo "Testing strripos() function:
with double quoted strings.";
$haystack = "Hello,\t\n\0\n $&!#%()*<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 ";
$needles = array(
//regular strings
/*1*/ "l",
//escape characters
/*5*/ "\t",
"\T", //invalid input
" ",
"\N", //invalid input
", //new line
/*11*/ "\0",
//boolean false
/*14*/ FALSE,
//empty string
/*16*/ "",
//special chars
/*17*/ " ",
" $",
/*29*/ "12345", //decimal numeric string
"\x23", //hexadecimal numeric string
"#", //respective ASCII char of \x23
"\101", //octal numeric string
"A", //respective ASCII char of \101
"456HEE", //numerics + chars
$haystack //haystack as needle
/* loop through to get the position of
the needle in haystack string */
$count = 1;
foreach ($needles as $needle) {
echo "<br><br><br>Iteration: $count<br>";
var_dump( strripos($haystack, $needle) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($haystack, $needle, 1) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($haystack, $needle, 20) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($haystack, $needle, -1) );
/* Test strripos() function by passing
* single quoted strings to 'haystack'
* & 'needle' arguments */
echo "Testing strripos() function:
with single quoted strings.";
$haystack = 'Hello,\t\n\0\n $&!#%()*<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 ';
$needles = [
//regular strings
/*1*/ 'l',
//escape characters
/*5*/ '\t',
' ',
', //new line
/*11*/ '\0',
//boolean false
/*14*/ FALSE,
//empty string
/*16*/ '',
//special chars
/*17*/ ' ',
' $',
/*29*/ '12345', //decimal numeric string
'\x23', //hexadecimal numeric string
'#', //respective ASCII char of \x23
'\101', //octal numeric string
'A', // respective ASCII char for \101
'456HEE', //numerics + chars
42, //needle as int(ASCII value of '*')
$haystack //haystack as needle
/* loop through to get the position of
the needle in haystack string */
$count = 1;
foreach ($needles as $needle) {
echo "<br><br><br>Iteration: $count<br>";
var_dump( strripos($haystack, $needle) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($haystack, $needle, 1) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($haystack, $needle, 20) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($haystack, $needle, -1) );
/* Test strripos() function by passing
* multi-line heredoc string for haystack and
* with various needles & offsets
echo "Testing strripos() function: with heredoc strings.";
echo "<br><br>With heredoc string containing multi lines.<br>";
$multi_line_str = <<<EOD
Example of string
spanning multiple lines
using heredoc syntax.
echo "<br><br>Multi line strings with +ve offsets:<br>";
var_dump( strripos($multi_line_str, "iNg", 0) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($multi_line_str, "inG", 15) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($multi_line_str, "Ing", 22) );
echo "<br><br><br>Multi line strings with +ve offsets:<br>";
var_dump( strripos($multi_line_str, "Ing", -1) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($multi_line_str, "Ing", -17) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($multi_line_str, "Ing", -50) );
echo "<br><br><br>Multi line strings with no offset:<br>";
var_dump( strripos($multi_line_str, "spAn") );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($multi_line_str, "IPlE") );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($multi_line_str, "") );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($multi_line_str, " ") );
/* Test strripos() function by passing
* heredoc string containing
* special chars for haystack
* and with various needles & offsets
echo "Testing strripos() function: with heredoc strings.";
echo "<br><br>With heredoc string containing special chars:<br>";
$special_chars_str = <<<EOD
Ex'ple of h'doc st'g, contains
var_dump( strripos($special_chars_str, "Ex'pLE", 0) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($special_chars_str, "!@@!", 23) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($special_chars_str, '_') );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($special_chars_str, '("_")') );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($special_chars_str, "$*") );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($special_chars_str, "$*", 10) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($special_chars_str, "(speCIal)") );
/* Test strripos() function by passing
* heredoc string containing
* escape chars for haystack
* and with various needles & offsets
echo "Testing strripos() function: with heredoc strings.";
echo "<br><br>With heredoc string containing
escape characters:<br>";
$control_char_str = <<<EOD
Hello, World\n
var_dump( strripos($control_char_str, "\n") );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($control_char_str, "\t") );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($control_char_str, "\n", 12) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($control_char_str, "\t", 15) );
$haystack = "Hello,\t\n\0\n $&!#%()*<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 ";
echo $haystack . '<br><br>';
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($haystack, "", -1) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($haystack, "", -10) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($haystack, "", -26) );
echo '<br><br>';
var_dump( strripos($haystack, "", -44) );