iptcembed EMBEDS a binary IPTC data into a JPEG image file.
This function returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
string|bool iptcembed( string $iptc_data,
string $filename,
int $spool = 0 )
$iptc_data = The data to be written
$filename = The JPEG file name
$pool = The spool flag
A binary IPTC block to be written.
Path to the JPEG image file.
Spool flag.
If $spool < 2 then the JPEG will be returned as a string; otherwise the JPEG will be printed to STDOUT.
$file = 'img/iptcembed.data';
$img = 'img/flower.jpg';
$fp = fopen($file, "w");
fwrite($fp, "Copyright by Zerof (c) " . idate('Y') );
$filec =file_get_contents($file);
echo(iptcembed($filec, $img, -1));
// unlink($file);
RESULT flower.jpg
����JFIF``��8Photoshop 3.08BIMCopyright by Zerof (c) 2022��;CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v90), quality = 90 ��C ��C
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
# source code to generate base64
use behind as $base64_1x1_jpeg
# we don't want to be gd library
dependant for this test $file="1x1.jpg";
$ret=imagejpeg(imagecreatetruecolor(1, 1), $file, 100);
echo md5(file_get_contents($file)).PHP_EOL;
echo base64_encode(file_get_contents($file)).PHP_EOL;
Test description :
1) create local file 1x1 jpeg (without iptc)
(use base64 content to create file)
2) generate iptcdata string with
function iptc_make_tag describe behind
3) use iptcembed php function with our
1x1 jpeg file and our iptcdata string
4) write local file2 with iptcembed return content
5) various check on file2 to verify that's
a valid jpeg file with our tags
#iptc_make_tag function from http://php.net/iptcembed
function iptc_make_tag($rec, $data, $value)
$length = strlen($value);
$retval = chr(0x1C) . chr($rec) . chr($data);
if($length < 0x8000) { $retval .= chr($length >> 8) . chr($length & 0xFF); }
else { $retval .= chr(0x80) . chr(0x04) . chr(($length >> 24) & 0xFF) . chr(($length >> 16) & 0xFF) . chr(($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr($length & 0xFF); }
return $retval . $value;
#write file
if ($fd) { fputs($fd,base64_decode($base64_1x1_jpeg)); fclose($fd); }
else { echo "error cant write $file".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
#check file md5
if ($md5!="07dd8594450e8c18ab8a79d7cb4573c7") { echo "md5 error".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
#check jpeg properties
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($file,$info);
if ($width!=1) { echo "width error".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
if ($height!=1) { echo "height error".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
if ($type!=2) { echo "type error".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
if (!isset($info["APP0"])) { echo "APP0 error".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
#our iptc tags
$tags["2#105"]= "Tauren";
$tags["2#120"]= "Tauren with Trunk";
$tags["2#110"]= "Copyright 2004-2016, Blizzard";
$tags["2#025"]= "Tauren, Chaman, Blizzard";
$tags["2#090"]= "Thunder Bluffs";
#feed iptc string for iptcembed
foreach ($tags as $tag => $string) { $rec=$tag[0]; $tag = substr($tag, 2); $iptc .= iptc_make_tag($rec, $tag, $string); }
#check iptc string md5
if (md5(base64_encode($iptc))!="7056c4b3060f92a4f9e5b7d0caa61859") { echo "iptc md5 error".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
#use iptcembed to get jpeg stream content with iptc tags
$content = iptcembed($iptc, $file,0);
#write new image with iptc tags
if ($content === false) {echo "iptcembed error".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
if ($fd) { fputs($fd,$content); fclose($fd); }
else { echo "error cant write $file2".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
#check jpeg properties for new image with iptc tags
echo "new generated image with itpc tags : " . basename($file2).PHP_EOL;
$ret = getimagesize($file2,$info);
if ($ret===false) { echo "getimagesize error".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = $ret;
if ($width!=1) { echo "width error".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
if ($height!=1) { echo "height error".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
if ($type!=2) { echo "type error".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
if (!isset($info["APP0"])) { echo "APP0 error".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
if (!isset($info["APP13"])) { echo "APP13 error".PHP_EOL;exit(1); }
$iptc_data_from_created_image = iptcparse($info['APP13']);
foreach ($tags as $tag => $string) {
#check if tag exists
if (!isset($iptc_data_from_created_image[$tag])) {
echo "error iptc tag $tag not found".PHP_EOL;
} else {
#check value
if ($iptc_data_from_created_image[$tag][0]!=$string) {
echo "error tag $tag : bad value ($string != ".$iptc_data_from_created_image[$tag][0].")".PHP_EOL;
#clean before exit
// @unlink($file);
// @unlink($file2);
if ($error==0) { echo "OK".PHP_EOL;exit(0);}
echo "something wrong: $error errors".PHP_EOL;
RESULT 1x1_with_iptc_tags.jpgnew generated image with itpc tags :
1x1_with_iptc_tags.jpg OK
// You must run this code
var_dump(iptcembed(-1, 'img/DOES_NOT_EXIST.ERR', -1));
// You must run this code
// iptc_make_tag() function by Thies C. Arntzen
function iptc_make_tag($rec, $data, $value)
$length = strlen($value);
$retval = chr(0x1C) . chr($rec) . chr($data);
if($length < 0x8000)
$retval .= chr($length >> 8) . chr($length & 0xFF);
$retval .= chr(0x80) .
chr(0x04) .
chr(($length >> 24) & 0xFF) .
chr(($length >> 16) & 0xFF) .
chr(($length >> 8) & 0xFF) .
chr($length & 0xFF);
return $retval . $value;
// Path to jpeg file
$path = 'img/IMAGE.jpg';
// We need to check if theres any IPTC data in
// the jpeg image. If there is then
// bail out because we cannot embed any image
// that already has some IPTC data!
$image = getimagesize($path, $info);
die('Error: IPTC data found in source image,
cannot continue');
// Set the IPTC tags
$iptc = [
'2#120' => 'img/IMAGE.jpg',
'2#116' => 'Copyright (c) ' . idate("Y") . ' - Zerof'
// Convert the IPTC tags into binary code
$data = '';
foreach($iptc as $tag => $string)
$tag = substr($tag, 2);
$data .= iptc_make_tag(2, $tag, $string);
// Embed the IPTC data
$content = iptcembed($data, $path);
// Write the new image data out to the file.
$fp = fopen($path, "wb");
fwrite($fp, $content);
$img_file = "img/IMAGE.jpg";
$img_info = getimagesize($img_file, $file_info);
echo basename($img_file) . '<br><br>
<img src="' . $img_file . '" alt="' .
$img_file . '" title="' . $img_file .
'" width="50%"><br><br>';
echo ( $file_info['APP13'] );
Photoshop 3.08BIM.x IMAGE.jpgtCopyright (c) 2020 - Zerof