
php apg

CONVERTS a date from the French Republican Calendar to a Julian Day Number, (JDN).


int frenchtojd 
int $month int $day int $year )


$month The month number from 1 to 13

The day number from 1 to 30

The year number from 1 to 14



The month number from 1 to 13.


The day number from 1 to 30.


The year number from 1 to 14.

Julian Day Number, (JDN) also known as Julian Day Count, (JDC), indicates the number of days elapsed since January 1, 4713 BC, Gregorian Calendar.

The Julian Calendar was introduced by Júlio Cesar in 46 BC, according the Gregorian Calendar.

The valid range for the Gregorian Calendar is from November 25, 4714 BC to at least December 31, 9999 AD.

Although this function can handle dates all the way back to the year 1, (3761 BC), such use may not be meaningful.

These routines only convert dates in years 1 through 14, (Gregorian dates 22 September 1792 through 22 September 1806).

This more than covers the period when the calendar was in use.



$frdayini 1;
$fryearini 1;

$fr2jdini frenchtojd($frmonthini$frdayini$fryearini);

'1/1/1&nbsp;<sub>(month/day/year) French Calendar</sub> => ' 
$fr2jdini '&nbsp;<sub>JDN</sub><br><br>';

$frmonthend 13;
$frdayend 5;
$fryearend 14;

$fr2jdend frenchtojd($frmonthend$frdayend$fryearend);

'13/5/14&nbsp;<sub>(month/day/year) French Calendar</sub> => ' 
$fr2jdend '&nbsp;<sub>JDN</sub>';
