timezone_name_from_abbrRETURNS the
timezone name from its abbreviation.
str|false timezone_name_from_abbr ( str $abbr ,
int $utcOffset = -1 ,
int $isDST = -1 )
$abbr = Time zone abbreviation
$utcOffset = Offset from GMT in seconds
$isDST = Daylight saving time indicator
The supported $timezone or an offset value.
$utcOffset = -1, by default, which means that first found time zone corresponding to $abbr is returned, otherwise exact offset is searched and only if not found then the first time zone with any offset is returned.
$isDST = -1, by default, which means that whether the time zone has daylight saving, DST, or not is not taken into consideration when searching.
If $isDST = 1, then the $utcOffset is assumed to be an offset with daylight saving, DST, in effect.
If $isDST = 0, then $utcOffset is assumed to be an offset without daylight saving, DST, in effect.
If $abbr does not exist then the time zone is searched solely by the $utcOffset and $isDST.
This function returns FALSE on failure.
Most of the time, it displays only the first name of the list.
echo 'PHP: ' . PHP_VERSION . '<br><br>';
$arr_abbr_lst = timezone_abbreviations_list();
$arr_keys_lst = array_keys($arr_abbr_lst);
foreach($arr_keys_lst as $abr01)
echo $abr01 . ' => ' . timezone_name_from_abbr($abr01) . '<br>';
$abr02 = "acdt";
echo timezone_name_from_abbr($abr02) . '<br>';
$abr03 = "";
$offset03 = 0;
$isdst03 = 1;
echo timezone_name_from_abbr($abr03, $offset03, $isdst03) . '<br>';
// Run this exercise several times
// For each new run a new result will be obtained
echo 'PHP: ' . PHP_VERSION . '<br><br>';
$arr_abbr_lst = timezone_abbreviations_list();
$arr_keys_lst = array_keys($arr_abbr_lst);
$cnt04 = count($arr_keys_lst);
$cnt04 = ($cnt04 - 1);
$xct04 = mt_rand(0, $cnt04);
echo $arr_keys_lst[$xct04] . ' => ' .
timezone_name_from_abbr($arr_keys_lst[$xct04]) . '<br>';