strtotimePARSES about any ENGLISH textual date-time description into a
UNIX timestamp.
May experience difficulties in displaying characters outside of the English language when preceded with the setlocale function.
int|false strtotime ( str $datetime [, int|null $baseTimestamp = null ] )
$datetime = A date/time STRING according to the general format
$baseTimestamp = The timestamp to be used as a base
for the calculation of relative dates
A date/time STRING according to the general format.
The timestamp to be used as a base for the calculation of relative dates.
Returns the UNIX timestamp on SUCCESS, FALSE otherwise.
Older versions of PHP this function would return -1 on failure.
This function expects to be given a string containing an ENGLISH date format and will try to parse that format into a UNIX timestamp, that is, the number of seconds since January 1 1970 00:00:00 UTC, relative to the timestamp given in $baseTimestamp, or the current time if $baseTimestamp is not supplied.
Each parameter of this function uses the default Time Zones unless a time zone is specified in that parameter.
Be careful not to use different Time Zones in each parameter unless that is intended.
See date_default_timezone_set and date_default_timezone_get on the various ways to define the default time zone.
$loc_FR = '"fr_FR.utf-8", "fr.utf-8", "fra", "french"';
setlocale(LC_ALL, "fr_FR.utf-8", "fr.utf-8", "fra", "french");
$defa_tz = date_default_timezone_get();
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The locale in this example is only used by the strftime()
La locale dans cet exemple est utilisé uniquement
par la fonction strftime ()
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
echo $defa_tz . '<br>';
$timstp_01 = strtotime("Feb 13,1980 11:32:30");
echo 'strtotime("Feb 13,1980 11:32:30") = ' . $timstp_01 . '<br>';;
$timstp_02 = strtotime("February 13, 1980 11:32:30");
echo 'strtotime("February 13,1980 11:32:30") = ' . $timstp_02 .
$timstp_03 = strtotime("now");
echo 'strtotime("now") = ' . $timstp_03 . '<br>';;
echo 'strftime("%A, %B/%d/%Y %Hh %Mmin %Ss"'. ', '
. $timstp_03 .')<br>';
$dt_timstp_03 = strftime("%A, %B/%d/%Y %Hh %Mmin %Ss",
echo $dt_timstp_03 . '<br><br><br>';
$timstp_04 = strtotime("+2 days");
echo 'strtotime("+2 days") = ' . $timstp_04 . '<br>';
echo 'strftime("%A, %B/%d/%Y %Hh %Mmin %Ss"'. ', '
. $timstp_04 .')<br>';
$dt_timstp_04 = strftime("%A, %B/%d/%Y %Hh %Mmin %Ss",
echo $dt_timstp_04 . '<br><br><br>';
$timstp_05 = strtotime("-8 years");
echo 'strtotime("-8 years") = ' . $timstp_05 . '<br>';
echo 'strftime("%A, %B/%d/%Y %Hh %Mmin %Ss"'. ', '
. $timstp_05 .')<br>';
$dt_timstp_05 = strftime("%A, %B/%d/%Y %Hh %Mmin %Ss",
echo $dt_timstp_05 . '<br><br>';
echo strtotime("now") . '<br>';
echo date("l F d Y H:i:s", strtotime("now")) . '<br><br>';
echo strtotime("-1 year") . '<br>';
echo date("l F d Y H:i:s", strtotime("-1 year")) . '<br><br>';
echo strtotime("next sunday") . '<br>';
echo date("l F d Y H:i:s", strtotime("next sunday")) . '<br><br>';
echo strtotime("last saturday") . '<br>';
echo date("l F d Y H:i:s", strtotime("last saturday")) . '<br><br>';
echo strtotime("+1 month 2 weeks 1 days 6 hours 30 minutes") . '<br>';
echo date("l F d Y H:i:s",
strtotime("+1 mont 2 weeks 1 days 6 hours 30 minutes")) . '<br><br>';