array|false get_extension_funcs ( string $extension )
$extension = Name of the extension to be checked
One of the extension names
obtained through the function:
array get_loaded_extensions([ bool $zend_extensions = FALSE ] )
$zend_extensions = if TRUE only return Zend extensions
The default, FALSE return regular extensions
<table width="100%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3"
border="1" align="center">
<tbody><tr><td colspan="2">AVAILABLE FUNCTIONS</td></tr>
// The result of this exercise will depend
// of the configuration of your system
$exts = get_loaded_extensions ();
foreach ( $exts as $xt) {
$exts01 = get_extension_funcs ($xt);
if( $exts01 != FALSE) {
foreach ( $exts01 as $func ) {
echo '<tr><td>' . $func . '</td><td>' . $xt . '</td></tr>';
} } }
<tr><td colspan="2">ed48</td></tr></tbody></table>
$ext = "gmp";
// The result of this exercise will depend
// of the configuration of your system
// The module name to get the extension functions,
// in this case: gmp (case insentive)
echo '<table width="100%" cellspacing="3"
cellpadding="3" border="1" align="center">
<tbody><tr><td colspan="2">
AVAILABLE gmp FUNCTIONS</td></tr><tr><td>NAME</td>
$mod = get_extension_funcs ($ext);
foreach ( $mod as $k => $xt)
echo '<tr><td>( ' . ($k+1) . ' ) ' . $xt . '</td><td>' . $ext . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td colspan="2">ed48</td></tr></tbody></table>';
echo 'The extension "' . $ext . '" is NOT loaded!<br>';
1 | gmp_init |
2 | gmp_import |
3 | gmp_export |
4 | gmp_intval |
5 | gmp_strval |
6 | gmp_add |
7 | gmp_sub |
8 | gmp_mul |
9 | gmp_div_qr |
10 | gmp_div_q |
11 | gmp_div_r |
12 | gmp_div |
13 | gmp_mod |
14 | gmp_divexact |
15 | gmp_neg |
16 | gmp_abs |
17 | gmp_fact |
18 | gmp_sqrt |
19 | gmp_sqrtrem |
20 | gmp_root |
21 | gmp_rootrem |
22 | gmp_pow |
23 | gmp_powm |
24 | gmp_perfect_square |
25 | gmp_perfect_power |
26 | gmp_prob_prime |
27 | gmp_gcd |
28 | gmp_gcdext |
29 | gmp_lcm |
30 | gmp_invert |
31 | gmp_jacobi |
32 | gmp_legendre |
33 | gmp_kronecker |
34 | gmp_cmp |
35 | gmp_sign |
36 | gmp_random_seed |
37 | gmp_random_bits |
38 | gmp_random_range |
39 | gmp_and |
40 | gmp_or |
41 | gmp_com |
42 | gmp_xor |
43 | gmp_setbit |
44 | gmp_clrbit |
45 | gmp_testbit |
46 | gmp_scan0 |
47 | gmp_scan1 |
48 | gmp_popcount |
49 | gmp_hamdist |
50 | gmp_nextprime |
51 | gmp_binomial |
ed48 |