
gd apg

DRAW a line in an image.

$x = 0 and $y = 0 are the coordinates of the top left point.

This function returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.


bool imageline 
GdImage $image
int $x1 int $y1 
int $x2 int $y2 
int $color )


$image The image identifier 

The x-coordinate of the start point 

The y-coordinate of the start point 

The x-coordinate of the end point 

The y-coordinate of the end point 

The fill color as returned by imagecolorallocate



The image identifier.


x-coordinate of start point.


y-coordinate of start point.


x-coordinate of end point.


y-coordinate of end point.


The fill color, a color identifier created by imagecolorallocate.




$sup_img 'png/baseXx.png';

$res1_img ='png/PNG 053 01 baseXx imageline.png';

$id_sup_img imagecreatefrompng($sup_img);

$en 'Existing Image';
basename($sup_img) . '<br><br>' . $$lang?>
<br><br><img src="<?php echo  
$sup_img?>" alt="<?php echo $sup_img?>"><br><br>


$y10 30;
$x1N 340;
$y1N 250;

$ln1_red 0;
$ln1_green 0;
$ln1_blue 255;
$ln1_color imagecolorallocate($id_sup_img

$x20 340;
$y20 50;
$x2N 100;
$y2N 250;

$ln2_red 255;
$ln2_green 0;
$ln2_blue 0;
$ln2_color imagecolorallocate($id_sup_img

$ln1 imageline($id_sup_img$x10$y10

$ln2 imageline($id_sup_img$x20$y20

imagepng($id_sup_img,  $res1_img);

$ln1 imageline($id_sup_img$x10$y10
$ln2 imageline($id_sup_img$x20

<?php echo basename($res1_img); ?><br><br>
<img src="<?php echo  $res1_img?>
alt="<?php echo $res1_img?>"><br><br>

<?php imagedestroy($id_sup_img); ?> 



Existing image

baseXx.png apr

PNG 053 01 baseXx imageline.png

Resulting image

PNG 053 01 baseXx imageline.png apr