
gd apg

COPY and RESIZE an entire or part image..

This function copies a rectangular portion of one image to another image, smoothly interpolating pixel values so that, in particular, reducing the size of an image still retains a great deal of clarity.

This function will take a rectangular area from $src_image of width $src_width and height $src_height at position ($src_x, $src_y) and place it in a rectangular area of $dst_image of width $dst_width and height $dst_height at position ($dst_x, $dst_y).

If the source and destination coordinates and width and heights differ, appropriate stretching or shrinking of the image fragment will be performed.

The coordinates refer to the upper left corner.

This function can be used to copy regions within the same image, (if $dst_image is the same as $src_image), but if the regions overlap the results will be unpredictable.

The results may be less interesting than those obtained through imagecopyresampled.

This function returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.


bool imagecopyresized 
GdImage $dst_imageage,
GdImage $src_imageage
int $dst_xint $dst_y
int $src_xint $src_y
int $dst_widthint $dst_height
int $src_widthint $src_height )


$dst_image The destination image identifier

The source image identifier

The x-coordinate of destination point 

The y-coordinate of destination point 

The x-coordinate of source point 

The y-coordinate of source point 

The destination width 

The destination height

The source width 

The source height



The destination image identifier.


The source image identifier.


The x-coordinate of destination point.


The y-coordinate of destination point.


The x-coordinate of source point.


The y-coordinate of source point.


The destination width.


The destination height.


The source width.


The source height.



echo 'PHP VERSION: ' PHP_VERSION '<br><br>';

// $lang = 'pt';
$lang 'en';

$base_img01 "jpeg/JPEG 024 01.jpg";
// Toledo - Spain

$dest_img01 "png/PNG 043 01-(.3x).png";

$id_base01 imagecreatefromjpeg($base_img01);
$base_w01 imagesx($id_base01);
$base_h01 imagesy($id_base01);
$dim01 '( ' $base_w01 'px X ' $base_h01 'px )';

 <?php echo $dim01?><br><br>
<img src="<?php echo $base_img01?>"
 alt="<?php echo $base_img01?>
 title="<?php echo $base_img01?>" width="400">


// 30% of the original image
$dest_w01 bcmul($base_w010.3); 
$dest_h01 bcmul($base_h010.3); 

$id_dest01 imagecreatetruecolor($dest_w01$dest_h01);

$dest_x01 0

$dest_y01 0

$src_x01 0

$src_y01 0

$bool_res01 imagecopyresized($id_dest01$id_base01

$bool_res01 == FALSE)
$pt "A imagem não pôde ser redimensionada!";
$en "The image could not be resized!";
'<br><br>' . $$lang '<br><br>';

$dest_w01 imagesx($id_dest01);
$dest_h01 imagesy($id_dest01);
$dim01 '( ' $dest_w01 'px X ' $dest_h01 'px )';

 <?php echo $dim01?><br><br>
<img src="<?php echo $dest_img01?>"
 alt="<?php echo $dest_img01?>
 title="<?php echo $dest_img01?>" width="200">


JPEG 024 01.jpg

( 2384px X 2411px )

JPEG 024 01.jpg apr

PNG 043 01-(.3x).png

( 715px X 723px )

PNG 043 01-(.3x).png apr



echo 'PHP VERSION: ' PHP_VERSION '<br><br>';

// $lang = 'pt';
$lang 'en';

$base_img02 "bmp/BMP 009 03 Katedrála Sv. Víta.bmp";

$dest_img02 "bmp/BMP 009 02 Katedrála Sv. Víta.(1.5x).bmp";
$id_base02 imagecreatefrombmp$base_img02);
$base_w02 imagesx($id_base02);
$base_h02 imagesy($id_base02);
$dim02 '( ' $base_w02 'px X ' $base_h02 'px )';

 <?php echo $dim02?><br><br>
<img src="<?php echo  $base_img02?>"
 alt="<?php echo $base_img02?>
 title="<?php echo $base_img02?>" width="200">


bcmul($base_w021.5); // 50% higher 
$dest_h02 bcmul($base_h021.5); // 50% higher 

$id_dest02 imagecreatetruecolor($dest_w02$dest_h02);

$dest_x02 0;  

$dest_y02 0;  

$src_x02 0;  

$src_y02 0

$b_res02 imagecopyresized($id_dest02$id_base02

$b_res02 == FALSE)
$pt "A imagem não pôde ser redimensionada!";
$en "The image could not be resized!";
'<br><br>' . $$lang '<br><br>';
imagepng($id_dest02,  $dest_img02);

$dest_w02 imagesx($id_dest02);
$dest_h02 imagesy($id_dest02);
$dim02 '( ' $dest_w02 'px X ' $dest_h02 'px )';

 <?php echo $dim02?><br><br>
<img src="<?php echo  $dest_img02?>"
 alt="<?php echo $dest_img02?>
 title="<?php echo $dest_img02?>" width="450">



BMP 009 03 Katedrála Sv. Víta.bmp

( 616px X 408px )

BMP 009 03 Katedrála Sv. Víta.bmp apr

BMP 009 02 Katedrála Sv. Víta.(1.5x).bmp

( 924px X 612px )

BMP 009 02 Katedrála Sv. Víta.(1.5x).bmp apr