GET the index for a specific color in an image file.
This function get the index of an specific pixel color $image.
$image symbolized by a identifier returned by one of the image creation functions, such as imagecreate or imagecreatetruecolor.
This function returns the index of the specified color in the palette of the image.
If the image was created from a file, only colors used in the image are resolved.
Colors present only in the palette are not resolved.
This function returns the index of the specified color in the palette, or -1 if the color does not exist.
or simply ALPHA, can be considered as the fourth component associated with color.
Basically interprets pixel-level transparency or opacity properties, including grayscale, especially for TRUECOLOR images in PNG format.
int imagecolorexact( GdImage $image,
int $red,
int $green,
int $blue )
$image = The image identifier
$red = The value of red component of color
$green = The value of green component of color
$blue = The value of blue component of color
The image identifier.
The value of red component of color.
The value of green component of color.
The value of blue component of color.
// RUN this code several times
echo 'PHP VERSION: ' . PHP_VERSION . '<br><br>';
$org_file01 = "png/PNG 027 03.png";
$pal_file01 = "png/PNG 027 03(p1).png";
echo $org_file01; ?>
<br><br><img src="<?php echo $org_file01; ?>"
alt="<?php echo $org_file01; ?>">
$red01 = mt_rand(0, 255);
$green01 = mt_rand(0, 255);
$blue01 = mt_rand(0, 255);
$im01 = imagecreatefrompng($org_file01);
$ndx_colr01 = imagecolorexact($im01, $red01, $green01, $blue01);
if($ndx_colr01 == -1)
echo 'The reported color is not part
of the image!';
echo '<br><br>The reported color is part
of the image!<br><br>';
$colrs01 = imagecolorsforindex($im01, $ndx_colr01);
echo 'red => ' . $colrs01['red'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs01['red'])) . '<br>';
echo 'green => ' . $colrs01['green'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs01['green'])) . '<br>';
echo 'blue => ' . $colrs01['blue'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs01['blue'])) . '<br><br>';
$rsr02p = imagecreate(imagesx($im01), 60);
imagecolorallocate($rsr02p, $colrs01['red'],
imagepng($rsr02p, $pal_file01);
echo $pal_file01; ?>
<br><br><img src="<?php echo $pal_file01; ?>"
alt="<?php echo $pal_file01; ?>">
RESULT PNG 027 03.pngThe reported color is part of the image palette!
red => 166 = 0xA6
green => 25 = 0x19
blue => 156 = 0x9C
PNG 027 03(p1).pngThis is a particular result.
With each new run a new result will be obtained, because of the random data used.
Therefore, execute this exercise several times.
This exercise always returns existing colors in the image file because it is based on the color indexes then existing.
// RUN this code several times
echo 'PHP VERSION: ' . PHP_VERSION . '<br><br>';
$org_file02 = "gif/GIF 013 02.gif";
$pal_file02p = "gif/GIF 013 02(p1).gif";
$pal_file02n = "gif/GIF 013 02(p2).gif";
echo $org_file02; ?>
<br><br><img src="<?php echo $org_file02; ?>"
alt="<?php echo $org_file02; ?>">
$red02 = 48;
$green02 = mt_rand(48, 49);
$blue02 = 45;
$im02 = imagecreatefromgif($org_file02);
$ndx_colr02 = imagecolorexact($im02, $red02, $green02, $blue02);
if($ndx_colr02 == -1)
echo '<br><br>The reported color is not part
of the image!<br><br>';
echo 'red => ' . $red02 . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($red02)) . '<br>';
echo 'green => ' . $green02. ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($green02)) . '<br>';
echo 'blue => ' . $blue02 . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($blue02)) . '<br><br>';
$im02n = imagecreate(imagesx($im02), 60);
imagecolorallocate($im02n, $red02, $green02, $blue02);
imagegif($im02n, $pal_file02n);
echo $pal_file02n; ?><br><br>
<img src="<?php echo $pal_file02n; ?>"
alt="<?php echo $pal_file02n; ?>">
echo '<br><br>The reported color is part
of the image!<br><br>';
$colrs02 = imagecolorsforindex($im02, $ndx_colr02);
echo 'red => ' . $colrs02['red'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs02['red'])) . '<br>';
echo 'green => ' . $colrs02['green'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs02['green'])) . '<br>';
echo 'blue => ' . $colrs02['blue'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs02['blue'])) . '<br><br>';
$im02p = imagecreate(imagesx($im02), 60);
imagecolorallocate($im02p, $red02, $green02, $blue02);
imagegif($im02p, $pal_file02p);
echo $pal_file02p; ?>
<br><br><img src="<?php echo $pal_file02p; ?>"
alt="<?php echo $pal_file02p; ?>">
RESULT GIF 013 02.gifThe reported color is part of the image palette!
red => 48 = 0x30
green => 49 = 0x31
blue => 45 = 0x2DGIF 013 02(p1).gif
// RUN this code several times
echo 'PHP VERSION: ' . PHP_VERSION . '<br><br>';
$org_file03 = "jpeg/JPEG 014 01 Belém (tga2jpeg).jpg";
$pal_file03 = "jpeg/JPEG 014 01 Belém (tga2jpeg)(p1).jpg";
echo $org_file03; ?>
<br><br><img src="<?php echo $org_file03; ?>"
alt="<?php echo $org_file03; ?>" width="400">
$red03 = mt_rand(0, 255);
$green03 = mt_rand(0, 255);
$blue03 = mt_rand(0, 255);
$im03 = imagecreatefromjpeg($org_file03);
$ndx_colr03 = imagecolorexact($im03, $red03, $green03, $blue03);
if($ndx_colr03 == -1)
echo 'The reported color is not part of the image!';
echo '<br><br>Index of color = ' . $ndx_colr03 . '<br><br>';
$colrs03 = imagecolorsforindex($im03, $ndx_colr03);
echo 'red => ' . $colrs03['red'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs03['red'])) . '<br>';
echo 'green => ' . $colrs03['green'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs03['green'])) . '<br>';
echo 'blue => ' . $colrs03['blue'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs03['blue'])) . '<br><br>';
$im03p = imagecreate(imagesx($im03), 60);
imagecolorallocate($im03p, $red03, $green03, $blue03);
imagejpeg($im03p, $pal_file03);
echo $pal_file03; ?>
<br><br><img src="<?php echo $pal_file03; ?>"
alt="<?php echo $pal_file03; ?>" width="400">
RESULT JPEG 014 01 Belém (tga2jpeg).jpgIndex of color = 12524956
red => 191 = 0xBF
green => 29 = 0x1D
blue => 156 = 0x9C
JPEG 014 01 Belém (tga2jpeg)(p1).jpgThis is a particular result.
Every new execution a new result can be obtained.
// RUN this code several times
echo 'PHP VERSION: ' . PHP_VERSION . '<br><br>';
$org_file04 = "png/PNG 028 04.png";
$pal_file04 = "png/PNG 028 04(p1).png";
echo $org_file04; ?>
<br><br><img src="<?php echo $org_file04; ?>"
alt="<?php echo $org_file04; ?>" width="400">
$red04 = mt_rand(0, 255);
$green04 = mt_rand(0, 255);
$blue04 = mt_rand(0, 255);
$im04 = imagecreatefrompng($org_file04);
$ndx_colr04 = imagecolorexact($im04, $red04, $green04, $blue04);
if($ndx_colr04 == -1)
echo 'The reported color is not part
of the image!';
echo '<br><br>The reported color is part
of the image!<br><br>';
$colrs04 = imagecolorsforindex($im04, $ndx_colr04);
echo 'red => ' . $colrs04['red'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs04['red'])) . '<br>';
echo 'green => ' . $colrs04['green'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs04['green'])) . '<br>';
echo 'blue => ' . $colrs04['blue'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs04['blue'])) . '<br><br>';
$im04p = imagecreate(imagesx($im04), 60);
imagecolorallocate($im04p, $red04, $green04, $blue04);
imagepng($im04p, $pal_file04);
echo $pal_file04; ?>
<br><br><img src="<?php echo $pal_file04; ?>"
alt="<?php echo $pal_file04; ?>" width="400">
RESULT PNG 028 04.pngThe reported color is part of the image palette!
red => 247 = 0xF7
green => 3 = 0x3
blue => 3 = 0x3
PNG 028 04(p1).pngThis is a particular result.
Every new execution a new result can be obtained.
// RUN this code several times
echo 'PHP VERSION: ' . PHP_VERSION . '<br><br>';
$org_file05 = "png/PNG 031 05 Fátima.png";
$pal_file05 = "png/PNG 031 05 Fátima(p).png";
echo $org_file05; ?>
<br><br><img src="<?php echo $org_file05; ?>"
alt="<?php echo $org_file05; ?>" width="400">
$red05 = mt_rand(0, 255);
$green05 = mt_rand(0, 255);
$blue05 = mt_rand(0, 255);
$im05 = imagecreatefrompng($org_file05);
$ndx_colr05 = imagecolorexact($im05, $red05, $green05, $blue05);
if($ndx_colr05 == -1)
echo 'The reported color is not part
of the image!';
echo '<br><br>The reported color is part
of the image!<br><br>';
$colrs05 = imagecolorsforindex($im05, $ndx_colr05);
echo 'red => ' . $colrs05['red'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs05['red'])) . '<br>';
echo 'green => ' . $colrs05['green'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs05['green'])) . '<br>';
echo 'blue => ' . $colrs05['blue'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs05['blue'])) . '<br>';
echo 'alpha => ' . $colrs05['alpha'] . ' = 0x' .
strtoupper(dechex($colrs05['alpha'])) . '<br><br>';
$im05p = imagecreate(imagesx($im05), 60);
imagecolorallocate($im05p, $red05, $green05, $blue05);
imagepng($im05p, $pal_file05);
echo $pal_file05; ?>
<br><br><img src="<?php echo $pal_file05; ?>"
alt="<?php echo $pal_file05; ?>" width="400" height="40">
RESULT PNG 031 05 Fátima.pngThe reported color is part of the image palette!
red => 255 = 0xFF
green => 29 = 0x1D
blue => 95 = 0x5F
alpha => 0 = 0x0PNG 031 05 Fátima(p)This is a particular result.
Every new execution a new result can be obtained.